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The Tupolev Tu-2000 was a planned long-range heavy bomber designed by the Tupolev design bureau. Originally designed for the Soviet Union development then continued for use by the Russian Air Force until it was eventually cancelled. On 19 August 2009 Tupolev announced that it had a contract with the Russian Defense Ministry to develop a new-generation strategic bomber which will be a conceptually new plane based on the most advanced technologies.

The Tupolev Tu-2000 was a planned long-range heavy bomber designed by the Tupolev design bureau.1
The Tupolev Tu-2000 was a planned long-range heavy bomber designed by the Tupolev design bureau of the 1980's.2
Il Tupolev Tu-2000 era un bombardiere ipersonico, realizzato in risposta all’americano Rockwell X-30.3

Made by TupolevTupolev OKB.

* Tu-2000Tupolev Tu-2000The Tupolev Tu-2000 was a planned long-range heavy bomber designed by the Tupolev design bureau.4
Il Tupolev Tu-2000 era un bombardiere ipersonico, realizzato in risposta all’americano Rockwell X-30. Sviluppato in Unione Sovietica a partire dal 1986, fu abbandonato nel 1992, quando l’unico prototipo in costruzione era lontano dal completamento.5

5 tips to help with your fear of flying

This article provides individuals with tools to overcome or at least manage a fear of flying. Flying can be an enjoyable experience if anxiety is not an issue.