Lockheed CL-400 Suntan

Suntan was the code-name of a prototype reconnaissance aircraft program with the goal of creating a much faster and higher-altitude successor to the U-2 enabled by the use of liquid hydrogen (LH2) as fuel. From 1956-1958 the United States Air Force funded a highly secretive program of research and development on the aircraft and engine design and made significant investments in large-scale LH2 production.

Lockheed CL-400 Suntan war ein großes Wasserstoff-angetriebenes herkömmliches Design, das wie eingestuft-oben aussah F-104 Starfighter, war das G2A ein Unterschalldesign mit einem niedrigen Radarquerschnitt, und das 1

Made by Lockheed Corporation.

5 tips to help with your fear of flying

This article provides individuals with tools to overcome or at least manage a fear of flying. Flying can be an enjoyable experience if anxiety is not an issue.