The Klemm Kl 151 was a German prototype light passenger aircraft designed by Dr. Hanns Klemm and chief engineer Carl Bucher during World War II. Only one model was built.
Die Klemm Kl 151 war ein viersitziges, von Hanns Klemm und seinem Konstruktionschef Carl Bucher konstruiertes Flugzeug, das Anfang der vierziger Jahre von der Firma Klemm in Holzbauweise gebaut wurde.1
Made by Klemm.
It is the successor of the Messerschmitt Bf 108 .
Jet Or Prop
Dr. Hanns Klemm and Carl Bucher
Messerschmitt Bf 108
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* List of World War II military aircraft of Germany * List of military aircraft of Germany * List of WW2 Luftwaffe aircraft prototype projects
This article provides individuals with tools to overcome or at least manage a fear of flying. Flying can be an enjoyable experience if anxiety is not an issue.