Fokker D.VIII

The Fokker E. V was a German parasol-monoplane fighter aircraft designed by Reinhold Platz and built by Fokker-Flugzeugwerke. It entered service with the Luftstreitkräfte in the last months of World War I. After several fatal accidents due to wing failures the aircraft was modified and redesignated Fokker D. VIII. Dubbed the Flying Razor by Allied pilots the D. VIII had the distinction of scoring the last aerial victory of the war.

The model name is a Fokker D-VIII in 1/4-scale. It has a wing span of 82.5" and wing area of 1100 sq. in.1
Aircraft : Fokker D-VIII More on Fokker D-VIII Registration : NX8105D Manufacturer : Fokker More on Fokker Owner : Private 2
Airdrome Aeroplanes Fokker D-VIII Aircraft For Sale = RSS Feed Sell Your Airdrome Aeroplanes Fokker D-VIII Here Currently, there is no 3
also check on Peter Raake's Fokker D-VIII that was a free plan in EFI awhile back. He's also had some posts on E-zone lately about his plans.4
As the history of Germany’s Fokker D.VIII is quite well known, I will simply skim the highlights here.5
Dare Fokker D-VIII which met an early demise due to a falure of it's light structure. This D-VIII will be full A/E/R/T control.6
Dragon's 1/48 scale Fokker D.VIII is available online from Squadron Introduction Here is my Dragon 1/48 scale Fokker D.7
Exuding extreme awesomeness, the Fokker D.VIII Airplane Model is astounding enough to be placed right next to the splendor of the actual aircraft.8
Fokker D VIII (in USA) Fokker D VIII (in USA) * Order: Reorder * Duration: 5:48 9
Fokker D VIII Aircraft For Sale = RSS Feed Sell Your Fokker D VIII Here Currently, there is no Fokker 10
Fokker D VIII on August 10, 2009, 19:50:15 PM Hi all I am now looking towards my next build and have got my eye 11

Made by Fokker.

Fokker D-VIII ó también llamado fokker EV, fue el primer avión con ala cantilever que incursionó en la primera guerra mundial en el año 1918, fue diseñado por Antonhy Fokker, los primeros modelos debido a la mano de obra poco calificada que 12
Fokker D-VIII was a harbinger of things to come in the military aircraft.13
Fokker D.VIII Replica ZK-FES has been operating at Hood airfield, Masterton, since November 2011.14
In this Fokker D-VIII Theo Osterkamp shot down his 25th and 26th victories with this aircraft.15
Offline Norfolk'n'Good wrote Re: Fokker D.16
Produced by the Germans, the Fokker D.VIII is considered to be one of the best fighter planes produced by anyone during WWI. The Fokker D.VII aka the Fokker E.V.17
Propeller, Engine, Seat of Fokker D VIII Plastic ModelCockpit View of Fokker D VIII Plastic ModelTop View of Fokker D VIII Plastic ModelTop Front View of Fokker D VIII Plastic ModelPropeller View of Fokker D VIII Plastic Model 18
The Fokker D.19
This replica Fokker D-VIII was built in 1991 by Ron and Vince Arganbright.20
Thursday November 4th, 2004 the Fokker D.VIII was rolled out of the museum. A series of engine test was performed by Hans and Raymond.21
VIII came out late in WW I and this replica Fokker D.VIII is displayed at the U.S. Army Aviation Museum in Alabama in original vintage lozenge patterned fabric. Originally known as the Fokker E.V.22
Height Main
2.80 m
Height Alt
Reinhold Platz
Length Alt
Max Takeoff Weight Main
Jet Or Prop
*List of military aircraft of Germany
Max Speed Alt
127 mph
Max Speed Main
Max Takeoff Weight Alt
Ceiling Main
300 m
Number Built
approximately 381
Area Main
10.7 m²
Primary user
Span Alt
Plane Or Copter?
Power Alt
110 hp
Oberursel UR.II
First Flight
May 1918
Span Main
8.40 m
Power Main
Number Of Props
Empty Weight Alt
Length Main
5.86 m
Area Alt
*Fokker V.26
Empty Weight Main
Ceiling Alt

5 tips to help with your fear of flying

This article provides individuals with tools to overcome or at least manage a fear of flying. Flying can be an enjoyable experience if anxiety is not an issue.