Antoinette military monoplane

The Antoinette military monoplane sometimes known as the Antoinette-Latham or the Antoinette Monobloc was an early monoplane built in France in the hope of interesting the French military in buying aircraft.

Antoinette military monoplane List of accidents and incidents involving commercial aircraft Categories: Aircraft manufacturers of France > Brass Era vehicles > Defunct motor vehicle manufacturers 1
Antoinette military monoplane-References:* World Aircraft Information Files. Brightstar Publishing: London. File 889 Sheet 63.* *...2

Made by Antoinette (manufacturer).

~ El Antoinette Military Monoplane, conocido por algunos como Antoinette-Latham, ya que fue construido por indicación de Hubert Latham, que incorporo al proyecto muchas ideas propias o el Antoinette Monobloc era uno de los primeros aeroplanos construidos en Francia en la esperanza de interesar al Departamento de Guerra francés en adquirir aeronaves.3

5 tips to help with your fear of flying

This article provides individuals with tools to overcome or at least manage a fear of flying. Flying can be an enjoyable experience if anxiety is not an issue.