Airspeed Horsa

The Airspeed AS.51 Horsa was a British World War II troop-carrying glider built by Airspeed Limited and subcontractors and used for air assault by British and Allied armed forces. It was named after Horsa the legendary 5th century conqueror of southern Britain.

The Airspeed Horsa I glider had a maximum take-off weight of I5,500lbs. With the Horsa II this rose to I5,750lbs.1
Airspeed Horsa glider on the evening of 6 June * Lance Corporals A Burton and L Barnett of 6th 2
* (EN) Britain's Airspeed Horsa glider in URL consultato il 2 gennaio 2011. * Gaëtan Pichon. (FR) Airspeed A.S.3
* Airspeed Horsa Invasion Glider * ASH-26E Air Start * Bomberguy's Videos * Brad's Videos 4
Airspeed Horsa Invasion Glider. Airspeed Horsa Invasion Glider Armstrong-Whitworth Whitley ... Infokemp Hengest Horsa England History Mynoon1999 Who Runs this place ...5
Airspeed Horsa Airspeed Horsa is offline Rank 5 Registered User Join Date: Dec 2006 Posts: 78 Don't forget british industry was hard pressed to supply all the 6
Airspeed Horsa Airspeed Horsa is offline Rank 5 Registered User Join Date: Dec 2006 Posts: 78 Fairchild K20 Aerial camera.7
Airspeed Horsa Assault Gliders on their way to a Battle. C.8
Airspeed Horsa Invasion Glider Airspeed Horsa Invasion Glider re landed together in one place, rather than being dispersed.9

Made by Airspeed Ltd..

Airspeed Horsa Invasion Glider: With the success of Germany's glider borne troops during the invasion of France and the low countries, the Allies began looking at making 10
Commons: Airspeed Horsa – Sammlung von Bildern, Videos und AudiodateienListe der Flugzeugtypen des Herstellers Airspeed Zivile Baureihen: AS 4 Ferry | AS 5 Courier | AS.11
De Airspeed Horsa was een zweefvliegtuig dat in de Tweede Wereldoorlog diverse keren grootschalig bij geallieerde luchtlandingsoperaties werd gebruikt.12
Discarded parachutes and Airspeed Horsa gliders lie scattered over 6th Airborne Division's landing zone near Ranville in Normandy, 6 June 1944.13
drawings for a British Airspeed Horsa Assault Glider for a project I'm hoing to do.14
I am attempting to build a scale Airspeed Horsa Troop Glider which was used on D-Day. I found a plan sheet for a model about 16" long.15
of Airspeed Horsa DP349 that crashed in Norway in WW2 during Operation Freshman.16
Start reading Lego - Airspeed Horsa Military Glider - TDS Models on your Kindle in under a minute. Don't have a Kindle? Get your Kindle here.17
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United States Army Air Forces
Height Main
Height Alt
5.95 m
Length Alt
20.43 m
Jet Or Prop
*List of aircraft of the RAF*List of aircraft of the Army Air Corps
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Number Built
over 3
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Span Alt
26.83 m
Plane Or Copter?
First Flight
National Origin
United Kingdom
Loaded Weight Alt
Empty Weight Alt
Length Main
Area Alt
102.6 m²
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